Physical and Chemical Properties:
This product is a kind of colorless or yellowish, transparent
semisolid substance, nontoxic and odorless.
The product has nice chemical stability and good resistance to
heat, oxidation, ozone, acid and alkali, UV ray and weather etc.
Its volume specific resistance is high and its expansion
coefficient is small. It contains no dielectric and has excellent
electric insurability and there is no residue after heating. It is
well compatible with polyethylene and paraffin wax, etc. It is
soluble in organic solvents like gasoline and benzene but not water
and alcohol types of solvents, with nice shearing stability.
Main Applications:
Lubricating Oil: Poly-isobutylene has stable chemical property, and
contains fewer impurities than mineral oil. It can be used either
as lubricating oil separately or as composite lubricating oil, thus
it is obvious that poly-isobutylene has a brighter development
prospect in the lubricating oil industry.
Electric Insulation: Poly-isobutylene has an excellent electric
insulation property, can be used as the electric insulating
Adhesive:Poly-isobutylene can be used as a binding agent for
sticker and pressure sensitive adhesive, rat glue trap.
Emulsion explosive emulsifier: Poly-isobutylene can be used as
emulsifier to increase the viscosity of emulsion colloid, change
the apperance, extend the storage period.