Enlarge your product line so it appeals to stores who cater to
serious shooters. Worldwide patent pending patches do not get
stuck in the bore, make more contact, and reduce rod flexing.
Material is cotton flannel. Small are SKU's ***7 (*7 to
*2 cal, qty **0), ***2 (*2 to *7 cal, qty **0), ***8 (*7 to *5 cal,
qty **0), ***8 (*5 to *5 cal, qty *0), ***2 (*5 to *2 gauge, qty
They make more contact because, for same amount of cotton, they
have longer radii. They reach farther down jags. ***7
has 1.3 inch side, ***2 has 1.9 inch side, ***8 has 2.9 inch side,
***8 has 3.8 inch side, and ***2 has 4.6 inch side.
Contact us for bulk bag pricing.
Order ships out of Port of Los Angeles.