Features: Ozone is a strong oxidant. A certain concentration in the
air can quickly kill the bacteria without toxic residue, not a
secondary pollution, particularly lively nature of its chemical,
known as "the cleanest oxidants and disinfectants. " 1. The
tableware disinfection (after cleaning the utensils immerse by live
oxygen water might kill the hepatitis B virus, to the role
completely sterile, there is no residual disinfectant. It is the
ideal protection for your health). 2. Refrigerator deodorant (Use
live ozone in refrigerator can kill those cannot handle the
reproduction of bacteria, while deodorant extend the time for food
storage. ). 3. Washing clothes disinfection (Live ozone water can
bleach clothing and appearance of dirt, reducing the amount of
detergent and water, thoroughly wash the smell of socks, underwear
and towels of the Han Wei sour, and can kill in the long-term
attachment on the clothing Bacteria). 4. In addition to taste
sterilization of Health (for toilets smell the smell, the kitchen
of the fish flavor, pesticides, taste and flavor garage basement of
the sandy land can be effective, such as the elimination of) 5.
Pets, garbage smell elimination (pets appreciate, refuse storage,
breeding farms in the air sometimes people cannot stand the
inevitable. Live ozone disinfection, dioxin, and decomposition
characteristics, can quickly resolve this issue). 6. The new
bedroom furniture in addition to taste (decorative materials in the
chemical agent to be volatile toxic gas toluene, formaldehyde,
ozone in the strong performance of *0 minutes to eliminate three
years to be completely volatile harmful chemical substances and
makes it easy for you to enjoy). Decomposition of newly renovated
rooms of formaldehyde, benzene and other harmful chemical
substances and ensure clean air. Main purpose: The family.