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Dear Sir or Madam
Our company GEXIMM LLC would like to offer You Indonesian Coal
direct from mine owner.
We will provide You:
Best rates for next products produced by mine:
- ADB ***6 at GAR ***0 from South Kalimantan (Gross Calorific
Value : ***0 Kcal/kg (ADB)(GAR ***0) < ***0 Kcal/Kg (GAR
- ADB ***6 at GAR ***0 from East Kalimantan (Gross
Calorific Value : ***0 Kcal/kg (ADB) GAR ***0(ARB) <
***0Kcal/Kg/less then GAR ***0(ARB)
- ADB ***1 at GAR ***3 from South Kalimantan GAR Calorific
Value : ***0 Kcal/kg +/- **0 Kcal/kg (ARB) 4,**0 Kcal/kg (ARB) -
GAR***0 GAR Calorific Value : ***0 kcal/kg (ARB) Rejection: Less
than : 4,**0 Kcal /kg (ARB))
- GAR ***0
- GAR ***0
- GAR ***0
- other with high calorific Value
Direct negotiations with end seller:
1. Direct mine of Indonesian coal
2. Direct negotiations with sales department
3. High quality of service of fast reactions on your
4. Direct Contract negotiations with end seller-owner of coal
5. Arrange meeting with all documents for contact
6. Payment by L/C and Incoterms delivery
How to start:
- Please provide us Your full firm request
- We will send You offer
- If price and terms acceptable –we arrange direct
negotiations with seller’s company CEO
Best regards
Marina Semenova