Air-pressure detoxin device s a computer controlled compression
system, which operates using inflating pumps. The device has five
separate chambers, which are positioned around the limbs. These
focus on moving the venous and lymph flow, starting from the ankles
and moving to the upper thighs. Designed to increase blood
circulation and lymph flow, Air-pressure detoxin device enhances
extra-cellular fluid clearance, reduces bloating, swelling and
oedema, alleviates leg fatigue and improves oxygen flow through the
whole body.
This is a machine designed for thermotherapy and pressotherapy
treatment which allows the controlled application of pressure
according to patient needs and guarantee the patients' safety, thus
realizes de-toxin and fatness dissolving.
1. It has the functions of both pressotherapy and
2. Pressure force for shanks, thigh and abdomen can be adjusted
3. Treatment with this body vacuum provides significant benefits to
health quality such as muscular strength, lymphatic drainage and