PHYSIOGRAPH (Single/Double/Triple) Equipment
is a complete system design with couplers, matching Transducers
& Pick-ups, and matching Electronics Stimulators with facility
of synchronized event maker time maker.
Standard Transducer for STUDENT
Pressure Transducer
Respiration belt Transducer
Force Transducer
Volume Transducer
Pulse Transducer
Respiration Transducer
Temperature Transducer
Isotonic Transducer
3 PIN Junction Box
5 PIN Junction Box
Standard Accessories with STUDENT
Earth Lead, Ink Bottle, EP to EP lead, Fuse, capacity, steel
wire & Motor belt, Suitcase as a container, Instruction
Perspex pen Cover, Rexine Cover, Chart paper Z Fold ( **0 fold
) Single channel Or Chart paper Z Fold ( **0 fold ) Two
channel Or Chart paper Z Fold ( **0 fold ) Three