For Sale or Joint Venture Mining company
Studies were conducted by Bureau des Ressources Géologiques et
Minières (BRGM), Coopers & Lybrand Consulting in conjunction
with Watts, Griffis & MacOuat (WGM) and most recently by
Fleming Latin Pacific Peru S.A., a member of the Robert Fleming
Group and now part of the Chase Manhattan/JP Morgan investment
banking family.
All the technical studies conclude that the predominate and most
probably profitable of the three basic types of marble found is a
homogeneous, hard, black/dark gray, fine-grained, white-veined
marble. But mines contain also gold, silver, copper, zinc, clinker
limestone and lead.
Shareholders focused on Marble studies :
As a matter of information, the black marble resource of the
highest quality known as "Nero Peru" is by itself one of the
largest ever discovered in the world and contains, on the surface
on1y (open pit), reserves of at least 3,**0,**0 cubic meters of
commercial blocks (three million three hundred m3) to be quarried
and sold for a turnover of more than US $ 3,**0,**0,**0 (three
billion US Dollars) providing the mining company with a theoretical
gross profit in excess of US $ 2,**0,**0,**0 (two billion three
hundred million US Dollars) easily attainable in the years to come
considering the constant growth of the marble market. Also, this
can be achieved without doing any deep mining in the underground
which, according to consulting geologists, encloses even larger
quantities of black marble.