Cooling Tower Motor | Long Shaft Motor | Cooling Tower Motor
Manufacturuers | Cooling Tower Motor Supplier
Cooling Tower Motor/Long Shaft Motor
This motor specially design for cooling tower.
Motor performance conforms to IS : **5.
Mounting V1 shaft downward position Flange B*5 as per IS
Motor relative humidity up to *0%.
Motor Insulation class B or F.
Working duty S1 (continue).
Motor this motor flange mounting with IP**5 Degree of protection.
Supply **5 ( ± *0 % voltage and frequency *0 Hz. (± 5%) combine ±
*0% Motor available in 4, 6 & 8 pole.
Oils fitted with Flange & Shaft so that can not reach
water partial Inside a motor Winding. Bearings are double shielded
(ZZ or 2 Rs) and pre-lubricated with high temp grease for good life
of bearings.
Motor shaft is Mead by En*8 material. Shaft can be supplied with
stainless steel material AISI***0 on customer Request an
extra cost. Any other requirements Such as mounting special
construction, bearing arrangement and supply voltage / Frequency
can be given on request at extra cost.