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The details of the available coal contracts and prices are as
The first contract is for **0 **0 metric tons per month for RBI -$3
+ $3 per ton on FOB basis for a *2 month contract with possible
extensions and rollovers.
The second contract is for **0 **0 metric tons per month for RBI
-$2 + $3 per ton on FOB basis for *0 months with possible rollovers
and extensions.
The last thermal/steam coal contract is for **0 **0 metric tons per
month for RBI - $3 + $3 per ton with extensions and rollovers.
If you are interested in this commodities, please indicate so that
I can forward you the draft contract when you send me an LOI and
I suppose I might as well let you know that I also have A grade
coking coal **0 **0 metric tons per month for RBI + $1 on FOB basis
on a *0 month contract.
Lastly, I also have C grade thermal coal **0 **0 metric tons per
month for $*4 per ton on FOB basis on a *2 month contract with
extensions and rollovers.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best Regards,