Naturina Libovar Woman – new natural
Libovar woman – for the active woman of today
Libovar, the tuber with similarities to the potato, Lepidium
Meyenii is the primary ingredient in Libovar woman. This herb has a
old history as a powerful strength, libido and stamina enhancer.
Lepidium Meyenii is creating market demand in Japan, Europe and the
U.S.A. and is posed to be a major botanical product on the
international herbal scene.
Libovar contains substantial proteins, vitamins, phosphors,
minerals, essential amino acids, as well as fructose and glucose
and this is unique in nature.
Lepidium Meyenii is a substance with naturally rejuvenating and
strengthening effects. It helps to optimise concentration and
mental and spiritual stability. It is supportive in stress and
exhaustive situations and helps to support a healthy immune
Women can begin using Libovar at any age. To ease the sudden
pre-menopausal drop-off of hormones to a slow decline, it is
recommended that women use Libovar as a preventative before
menopause. enhance fertility
Preventative here does not mean “no menopause”, but it does mean a
healthier more trouble-free menopause. Women using Libovar report
from increased energy levels, increased ability to function under
stress and increased libido and the elimination of hot flushes and
night sweats.
Why Libovar?
Libovar is not processed industrially, even today, but its
ingredients are dried in the sun to retain its valuable substances.
This is a first time combination of Lepidium Meyenii with Guarana
& Vitamin C and L-Carnitin. Guarana is well known to give an
incredible energy boost and is known to enhance vitality.
Without any side effects?
Libovar is safe and without any known side effects.