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I have a great supply of very high quality met coal too meet any
kind of requirements my low vol is a single seam Pocahontas #3 from
our mining operations in West Virginia this is a excellent product
you can choose run of the mine or washed. I can supply around
*0,**0 MT's every two months or if you would like I can split the
orders up in to a single shippment of *0,**0 Mt's per month for the
next two years as permitting is cleared alot more coal suply will
be up for the taking.
My mid vol coal can be done two ways a single seam Sewell or a
blend to specific customer quality, speceification, and
LAst but not least our High Vol is the best High Vol in the worls
it comes from three different mines in Kentucky. It is all single
seam our coal seams on the high vol are Lower Alma which we
have plenty of supply on. Our other high vol is a Horse Creek seam
this is one of the best High Vol seams in the world everything is
perfect just a higher vol in the *8% range but the Ash is amazing
5% or less ash, 5% or less moisture, low low low sulfur and as
always around *4,**0 btu as received this is a amazing product.
Fill free to email or call anytime with questions we enjoy meeting
and talking to new customers.