We developped new product,and i think it should be workable for you.It is Wireless Display Receiver.Another powerful receiver than Chromecast,Ipush and other wireless display receiver made by action***3 and rockchip***8.
It is a Portable Stick for meeting performance and consumer entertainment.more than that,E2 support
1.Stream,push or mirror online and local Video****0P/audio/photos on your Smart phones/Tablet/Labtop to Big TV/Projector Screen
2.Mirror Word,Excel,Powerpoint,PDF file,Keynotes,Pages and Numbers on your Smart phones/Tablet/Labtop to Big TV/Projector Screen
3.Mirror camera viewfinder image on your Smart phones/Tablet/Labtop to Big TV/Projector Screen
4.Make notes on photo,Word,Excel,Powerpoint,PDF file and mirror to Big TV/Projector Screen at the same time
5,Watch movies from youtube,netflix,Hulu,Amazon,IMDB
6.Support Android, Mac, IOS, Windows OS
7.Support EZ Cast,DLNA,Miracast and airplay
8.Support FOR
all branded phones and non-branded Smart Phones.
9.Private case
*0.Online firmware update
Please let me know if
you are interesting