Juices of direct extraction (*8% juice) : bilberry, blueberry,
cranberry, cowberry, sea buckhorn,black currant, black arania.
Nectars (****0% juice) :cranberry-sea buckhorn, cowberry-black
currant, raspberry-strawberry,bilberry-blackberry.
Berryes drinks (*5% juice): cranberry, cowberry
Birch juices (*4% juice) : with sugar, with cranberry, with
Carbonated juice drinks : strawberry (*6% juice), pear Duches (*2%
juice), lemon-ginger-mint (*0% juices)
Non alhogolic sparkling wine (*8% juice) : semisweet, muscai,
raspberry, brut
Kid\'s holiday sparkling juice drinks (****8% juices) : Diches,
strawberry, Grape,Orange,barberry-pomergranate-cherry,
grapefruit-pear, raspberry-strawberry, apple-kiwi.