Fully Refined Paraffin Wax:
Analyzing items Standard
Melting Point ****0
Oil Content Wt% 0.5 Max
Color (saybolt) **8 Min
Light stability 4 Max
Needle penetration(*5°C)1/*0mm *8 Max
Odor 2Max
Mechanical Impurity and Water Negative
Acid and Alkali with Water solubility
Semi Refined Paraffin Wax:
Analyzing items Standard
Melting Point ****0
Oil Content Wt% 0.5 *1.5
Color (saybolt) **7Min
Light stability 6 Max
Needle penetration(*5°C)1/*0mm *3 Max
Odor 2Max
Mechanical Impurity and Water
Acid and Alkali with Water solubility
Usage: The usage of paraffin wax is very tensive
1. The candle industry*-to make kinds of candle, colorful or
2. Paper industry *-to make the paper waterproof ; Coatings for
waxed paper or cloth
3. Textile Industry*- add cotton yarn to make the textile materials
soft , smooth and elastic
4. Other Industry *-food, medicine , packaging, detergent,
plastcicizers, grease