Moisture content by weight: maximum 1.5%
Total nitrogen content by weight (on dry basis): minimum *8%
Neutral ammonium citrate soluble phosphate (as P2O5) content by
weight: minimum *6%
Water soluble phosphate (as P2O5) content by weight: minimum
Particle size: Not less than *0% of the material shall pass through
4 mm IS sieve and be retained on 1 mm IS sieve. Not more than 5%
shall be below 1 mm size
Packing: Packed in *0 kg (dry) capacity woven polypropylene bags
with polyethylene inner lining. 4% empty bags to be supplied at no
extra cos.
Each bag to guarantee minimum product weight (net) as specified on
the bag
Marking: FAO logo, product name, active ingredient(s), net and
gross weight, Project No., P.O. No. and final destination