After over nine years of research and development analyzing the
behavior of horse, we have successfully developed the horseback
riding simulator almost perfectly reproducing the motions of
horseback riding.
While not many people could enjoy the benefits of horseback riding
owing to a vatiety of reasons, now FORTIS horseback riding
simulator makes it possible for anyone to play horseback riding
games at any time, and anywhere, in a confortable, enjoyable and
safe manner.
- Men and women of all ages can easily enjoy aerobic exercise, and
FORTIS is the best weight-loss exercixd machine effective for
reducing body fat and gettig rid of abdominal obesity with the high
consumption of caloties.
- Screen horseback riding makes it easier to enjoy to
- FORTIS helps effective rehabilitation treatment.
Get healthier life back with FORTIS.
- As 100 plus various movements automatically change every 2
minutes, it is good for enhancing stamina through concentrared
acupressure on the pelvis. Through activated exercise of the
intestines, it is excellents for reducing abdominal obesity and
improving digestion.
- 16 different horseback riding motions
- Virtual horseback riding motion : walk, gallop, trot,
- Very effective for diet, orthotherapy, weight
- Multimedia integrated system improving enjoyment and reality of
horseback riding
- Very low power consumption by using highly advanced vector
Specification :
Wedth 660mm / Length 1, 800mm
    Saddle height 1, 180mm / Horse head
height 1, 560 mm Weight:
[Equipment] 240Kg Power:
220V Single phase / 110V Single phase Motion:Â 16
different types of horseback riding motions