Consider these facts about seeds:
- 2.5 times more protein than kidney beans
- 3 times the antioxidant strength of blueberries
- 3 times more iron than spinach
- 6 times more calcium than milk
- 7 times more vitamin C than oranges
- 8 times more omega*3 than salmon
- *0 times more fiber than rice
- *5 times more magnesium than broccoli
The seeds are loaded with vitamins and minerals, are an excellent
source of fibre, protein and antioxidants, and are the richest
plant source of omega*3 fatty acids. Consumption of chia seeds
could help reduce joint pain, aid in weight loss, deliver an energy
boost and protect against serious ailments such as diabetes and
heart disease.
The seeds are gluten-free, which also makes them appealing to
people with celiac disease or an aversion to gluten.
Consumption of chia seeds may increase blood levels of the long
chain omega*3 by *0%,
seeds are a source of alpha-linolenic acid a type of
short-chain omega*3 fatty acid, whereas fish is a source of the
long-chain fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid and
docosahexaenoic acid .