English Indications for use This product is indicated for the
subcutaneous infusion of insulin from an infusion pump.
Contraindications Infusion sets are indicated for subcutaneous use
only and not for intravenous (IV) infusion or the infusion of blood
or blood products. Warnings Inaccurate medication delivery,
infection and/or site irritation may result from improper insertion
and maintenance of the infusion site. Before insertion, clean the
insertion site with isopropyl alcohol. Remove the needle guard
before inserting the infusion set. If using this infusion set for
the first time, do the first set-up in the presence of your
healthcare professional. Do not leave air in the infusion set.
Prime completely. Check frequently to make sure the soft cannula
remains firmly in place as you may not feel pain if it pulls out.
The soft cannula must always be completely inserted to receive the
full amount of medication. If the infusion site becomes inflamed,
replace the set, and use a new site until the first site has
healed. Replace the infusion set if the tape becomes loose, or if
the soft cannula becomes fully or partially dislodged from the
skin. Replace the infusion set every **- *2 hours, or per your
healthcare professionals instructions. Do not reinsert the
introducer needle into the infusion set. Re-insertion may cause
tearing of the soft cannula, which may result in unpredictable
medication flow. Never prime the set or attempt to free a clogged
line while the set is inserted. You may accidentally inject too
much medication. Do not put disinfectants, perfumes, or deodorants
on the infusion set as these may affect the integrity of the set.
Dispose of the infusion set and introducer needle safely, in a
sharps container, after a single use. Do not clean or re-sterilize.
This device is sterile and non-pyrogenic unless the package has
been opened or damaged. Do not use if the package has been opened
or damaged. (For Paradigm users, do not use the infusion set if the
tubing connector needle has been damaged.) Store infusion sets in a
cool, dry place. Do not leave infusion sets in direct sunlight or
inside a vehicle. Use aseptic techniques when temporarily
disconnecting the set and consult your healthcare provider on how
to compensate for missed medication when disconnected. If infusing
insulin, carefully monitor your blood glucose levels when
disconnected and after reconnecting. If infusing insulin, and your
blood glucose level becomes unexplainably high, or an occlusion
alarm occurs, check for clogs and/or leaks. If in doubt, change the
infusion set because the soft cannula may be dislodged, crimped
and/or partially clogged. Should any of these problems arise, make
a plan with your healthcare professional for rapidly replacing
insulin. Test your blood glucose level to make sure the problem is
corrected. If infusing insulin, do not change the infusion set just
before bedtime unless you can check your blood glucose **3 hours
after insertion. Reuse of the infusion set may cause damage to the
cannula/needle and lead to infection, site irritation, and/or
inaccurate medication delivery. If insulin, or any liquid, gets
inside the tubing connector, it can temporarily block the vents
that allow the pump to properly prime the infusion set. This may
result in the delivery of too little or too much insulin, which can
cause hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia. If this occurs, start over
with a new reservoir and infusion