Chemical Name:
CAS No.: **********8
Chainingchem works as a sourcing and
trading company, focusing on high performance organo pigments,
pharm intermediates, new materials including electronic chemicals,
organo silianes and silicone,organo fluorine
Our Strengths
Chainingchem handles any quantity
(gram, kg, metric ton all are ok) of goods.
Chainingchem handles an order
with many types (from one product to *0 products, even **0 types,
**0 types of chemicals or more) of products.
Chainingchem optimizes
distribution of resources by global sourcing, from China, India,
Japan, the USA, Europe etc.
Chainingchem helps our customers
by offering these products, which are difficult to find key raw
materials, and pharma-intermediates, new materials, for some custom
synthesis projects, research work, where there is no obvious
commercial producer.