This cold rolling mill is to roll the hot rolled coils with
the thickness of 2.5mm to 4.0mm into high precision cold rolled
coils with thickness of 0.25mm to 2.0mm through several passes of
rolling. It adopts single stand reversing 4 High cold rolling mill.
It is equipped with large tension coiler, AGC thickness control
system, etc.
It can realize large tension rolling and guarantee high-speed
stable production with thinner specifications.
The electrical control adopts Siemens AC driver technology.
The automation control adopts Siemens S7-400 series PLC
The electric drive and automation system of the mill takes
safety protection measures of overload protection, strip cut-off
protection, and emergency stop,etc. The mill is equipped with
functions of strip tail automatic deceleration, accurate stop,
rolling process parameters set. The coiler has the functions of
loops number memory and strip length calculation. The mill
production process chain and malfunction alarming adopts PLC
controlled to realize the automation of production process and
malfunction alarming.
Rolling line adjustment device adopts stepwise wedge
adjustment to realize the fast adjustment of rolling line
The reducer as the heavy-load drive equipment for the coiler
and the main rolling mill, its gear adopts hardened face gear (gear
grinding).the bearings on the reducer of the coiler and main
rolling mill adopts China quality bearings.
Full hydraulic Screwdown, hydraulic AGC control. It is
equipped with the functions of constant roll gap control, constant
pressure control, roll deviation correction, thickness precontrol,
monitoring, etc.
Mail rolling motor drive: 500KW AC
Coiler motor: 500KW AC
It can realize the large tension rolling mode.
Max. tension: 8 T
Max. speed: 360 mpm
The bending roll of work roll: the bending roll can be
controlled from single side
respectively. Rolls are equipped with subsection cooling and
roll shapes adjustment.
Single-station roll changing carriage is adopted, which
realizes the swift changing of work roll
the roll bearing adopts air-oil lubrication with high
lubricating efficiency, which prolong the bearing life span, reduce
the oil consumption, the pollution and the maintenance
1) the incoming material
The incoming material: high carbon steel , 65Mn
entry thickness: 2.5mm to 5.5mm
coil width: 400mm to 550mm
Coil ID/OD: Φ600/2000 mm
Max. coil weight: 8 T
2)the final product
The outgoing thickness: 0.25mm to 2.0mm
Coil width: 400mm to 550mm
Coil ID/OD: Φ600/2000 mm
Max. coil weight: 8 T
2 ã€Main Technical Parameters
Rolling mill specifications: ?210/?680?650 mm
Drive mode: work roll drive
Max. Rolling Pressure: 5000 KN
Max. rolling speed: 360 mpm
Coiling tension: 8 KN
Coiling speed: 380 mpm