Cow milk, cream from cow\'s milk.
The main stages of the process
Qualitative assessment of milk, milk reception, cleaning and
cooling of milk, milk reservations, separation of milk,
pasteurization of cream received, cooling of cream, physical
maturation cream, whipping of cream, obtaining of butter, packaging
of butter, marking of butter, storage.
The final product characteristics
Taste and smell: clean, well expressed taste of pasteurized cream.
Consistency and Appearance: homogeneous, plastic, dense, shiny
surface on the cut or slightly shiny, dry.
Color: from light yellow to yellow, homogeneous for all mass.
Basic physical, chemical, characteristics
-fat content *2.5 %;
-moisture, Max *6 %
-acidity (plasma), max - *3 ;
-acidity (fat phase), max - 2,5°.
Microbiological indicators:
- quantity of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic
microorganisms (QMAFAnM), colony-forming units (CFU), in 1g of the
product, no more 1,0***5;
- coliform bacteria (koliformy) in 1g of the product - not
- pathogenic microorganisms, including bacteria of Salmonella in
*5g of the product - not allowed;
- staphylococcus aureus, CFU in 1g of the product - not
- listeria monocytogenes in *5g of the product not allowed;
- mold, yeast, CFU, in 1g, no more **0 in sum;
The content of toxic elements:
- lead no more 0,1 mg/kg;
- cadmium no more 0,*3 mg/kg;
- arsenic no more 0,1 mg/kg;
- mercury no more 0,*3 mg/kg;
- copper no more 0,5 mg/kg,
- zinc no more - 5,0 mg/kg;
- iron no more 5,0 mg/kg.
Weight: net — *5,0 kg, gross — *5,*5 kg
Term of storage:
3 months at 0...*5 °
9 months at *6...**1 °; *2 months at **2...**8 °.