Baoding Baigou Jidong Leather Factory is a mountaineering bags, outdoor camera bag, computer bags, rod bags, backpack, travel bag, bags and other products professional production processing factory, our factory covers an area of ***0 square meters, there are skilled workers more than **0 people, sewing machine, cutting machine, riveting machine more than *0 units.
My factory has complete and scientific quality management system, for the purpose of keep improving, take customer satisfaction as the service standards, our bags are well received by the vast majority of customer recognition. We have registered trademark "KUNHENG" and "Xuelilang". Beijing, Shanghai, xi 'an, shandong, hebei, jiangsu, zhejiang, guangzhou and other provinces and municipalities have our agent, our factory products are exported to Hong Kong, Singapore, Europe, North America, the Middle East, South Africa and other countries and regions.
Baoding Baigou Jidong Leather Factory warmly welcome new and old customers come to visit and business negotiation.