Heng Trading Co., Ltd. Beijing Double-thinking professional
production of automotive seals, seal doors and windows, air
conditioning, seal, seal furniture, electrical appliances seal,
foam seal, mechanical seal, automotive windshield strip, strip
doors, trim, skeleton bar, extruded seal, E-, P-, D-seal, rubber
seal, three composite tape, compact - sponge - steel core three
composite seal, four composite seal, soft and hard composite tape,
soft plastic - hard plastic composite seal, seal construction,
modified PVC seals, plastic seals, senior construction rubber seal,
aluminum doors and windows sealed, steel doors and windows sealed,
glass curtain wall sealing strip, container door seal, sponge
rubber door seal, refrigerator door sealing strips, self-adhesive
seals, door glass slide, door sponge seal, the trim, door glass
retaining bar, glass windshield seal, fire seals, fire tube, hose,
silicone tube, winding hose, pipes, air pipes, pipelines,
automotive rubber seals