Guangzhou jia xin handbags co., LTD. Is the handbag, bags, green
bags, shopping bags and other products of professional production
and processing company, with complete and scientific quality
management system. Guangzhou jia xin handbags co., LTD of
integrity, strength and product quality obtain industry acceptance.
Now expand moved to guangzhou baiyun district and town high street
no. *9, the geographical position is superior, the traffic is very
convenient, near and estuary metro subway and baiyun airport.
Factory area of ***0 square meters, more than *0 employees, welcome
friends from all walks of life come to visit, guidance and business
negotiation. Guangzhou jia xin handbags co., LTD. Is specially
designed for customizing leisure backpack, travel bag,
environmental shopping bag, mummy bag, tool kit, toiletry bags,
canvas bags, Oxford cloth bags, gift receive environmental
protection bag, pen bag, apron cloth sewing products such as
professional production and processing factories, with eight years
experience and a series of perfect bag equipment and considerable