Qingdao Mingzhu Steel Structure Co.,Ltd. provides tower design and
engineering, tower and sub-station detailing,MZGG manufactures
steel products and structures specializing in transmission towers
(up to **0 KV). It offers fabricated galvanized lattice or tubular
steel towers for the electrical transmission industry. The company
also provides lattice utility structures, such as lattice steel
towers, stub, anchor and grillage steel foundations, and tower
bolts; tubular utility structures; wind utility structures;
communication utility structures, such as lattice, welded pipe, and
welded bar structures; and H-frame utility structures, such as
cross arms, cross braces, ground plates, and hardware.
It has an annual capacity of **0,**0 tons per year.
In addition, it offers distribution utility structures; hardware
utility structures, such as bolts, nuts, washers, spacers and ring
fills, step bolts, anchor bolts, U bolts, yoke plates, and damper
weights; highway utility structures; and custom utility